As a member of the New Jersey Dental Association, you have a lot to smile about!
Start reaping your benefits now!
We provide a variety of business and personal insurance programs to NJDA member dentists. We offer you an average 15 percent savings on quality products from stable, highly-rated companies. All carriers, programs and products have been thoroughly analyzed by Bell and approved by NJDA.
Why choose Bell Insurance?
Bell offers you quality insurance products at discounted prices and the NJDA receives non-dues income. We are pleased to offer the following products to NJDA members:
- Professional & Business Liability Insurance
- Building & Business Property Insurance
- Cyber Suite Liability
- Workers' Compensation Coverage
New Dentist Program
$50. That’s all new graduates pay for their first year of professional liability insurance. Learn more.
Please contact Megan Geider or Gabrielle Wilday today for personalized customer service and a free, no-obligation quote.

Megan Geider, CPCU, AINS, CPIA
Manager, Dental Division
(877) 476-4588, ext. 2304

Gabrielle Wilday
Account Executive, Dental Division
(877) 476-4588, ext. 2306