ECCA Payroll+Business Solutions offers your organization a comprehensive solution to meet all your payroll, tax, timekeeping and human resource needs. Services include payroll processing, payroll tax administration, human resource software, time and attendance solutions, 401(k) plan and section 125 services, pay-as-you-go workers' compensation services and employee self-service. ECCA has been providing professional payroll service to organizations like yours for more than 30 years. Our customer focused service, attention to detail and world-class technology provides you with a payroll solution that enables you to focus on your core business functions. For more information, visit ECCA's website or call (800) 864-2843.
Workers' Compensation Pay-as-You-Go Partnership

Customers who use ECCA Payroll+Business Solutions for payroll services and select Eastern Alliance Insurance Group for workers’ compensation coverage can choose Eastern’s ParallelPay® billing option for the ultimate in “pay-as-you-go” convenience and cash flow!
ECCA will automatically report your payroll data directly to ParallelPay®.You’ll pay your workers’ compensation premium as you pay your employees, based on your actual payrolls.You will eliminate installment fees and large down payments and won’t need to put money in escrow.You can avoid the workers’ compensation premium audit process (for Pennsylvania-based accounts with premiums under $2000) and minimize potential fluctuations.